Who was Maria Reiche?
Who was Maria Reiche?
La respuesta deberíamos saberla todos los Peruanos, al menos por cultura general de nuestro país. Maria Reiche fue la persona que más investigó sobre las Líneas de Nazca.
Nació en Dresden Alemania el 15 de mayo, del año 1903. Entre sus estudios universitarios están las especialidades de Matemáticas, Física y Geografía en la Universidad Técnica de Dresde y Hamburgo, de dónde egresó en 1928.
Alemania no vivía su mejor momento en esa época, por lo tanto ella tenia un enorme deseo emigrar; sin embargo esto pasó más adelante. En 1932 Maria Reiche aceptó el puesto de ser tutora privada de los hijos del cónsul de Alemania en Cuzco, Perú. Allí se mantuvo por 4 años trabajando, pasado este tiempo viajó Lima, para trabajar como profesora de inglés y alemán, además de traductora de textos. Posteriormente consiguió trabajar como restauradora de textiles precolombinos en el Museo Nacional de Perú. Puedes conocer este Museo en el Mapa Turístico que hemos hecho en: Los Mejores Museos de Lima.
Para 1941 el arqueólogo estadounidense Paul Kosok le ofreció el puesto de asistente, para que lo acompañara en un trabajo de investigación sobre las impresionantes Líneas de Nazca.
Maria, tras ver las Misteriosas Figuras talladas en el Desierto de Nazca por primera vez supo que en ese lugar estaría el resto de su vida; aunque tuvo que salir de Perú por temas relacionados con la Guerra en su país, volvió tan rápido como pudo para quedarse a vivir en Nazca hasta el día de su muerte.
The answer should be known by all Peruvians, at least by general culture of our country. Maria Reiche was the person who researched the most about the Nazca Lines.
Maria Reiche was born in Dresden Germany on May 15, 1903. Among her university studies are the specialties of Mathematics, Physics and Geography at the Technical University of Dresden and Hamburg, from where she graduated in 1928.
Germany was not living at its best at that time, therefore she had a great desire to emigrate; however this happened later. In 1932 Maria Reiche accepted the position of being a private tutor to the children of the German consul in Cuzco, Peru. She stayed there for 4 years working, after this time she traveled to Lima to work as an English and German teacher, as well as a text translator. Later she managed to work as a restorer of pre-Columbian textiles at the National Museum of Peru. You can know this Museum in the Tourist Map that we have made in: The Best Museums of Lima.
In 1941, the American archaeologist Paul Kosok offered him the position of assistant, to accompany him in a research project on the impressive Nazca Lines.
Maria, after seeing the Mysterious Figures carved in the Nazca Desert for the first time, knew that she would be in that place for the rest of her life; Although she had to leave Peru for issues related to the war in her country, she returned as quickly as she could to stay and live in Nazca until the day of her death.
Maria Reiche known as “the lady of the desert”.
Archaeologist Alemanda was passionate about the huge Nazca geoglyphs until the end of her days and dedicated her time and money to preserve them. In 1992 she obtained Peruvian nationality, confessing herself in love with the Peruvian culture and the Nazca Lines.
The Nazca Lines are today a World Heritage Site declared this way by UNESCO in 1994; partly thanks to the work of this valuable woman. According to Reiche’s research, the Nazca Lines are an astronomical calendar that had to do with harvests.
The German said as a joke that whoever came to this magical place could or could not contract the Nazca Virus and that those who contracted it fell in love with the place and never wanted to leave again.
His research on these figures was done with such dedication that the Lines of “The monkey” and “The Spider” were discovered by Reiche; after this she went to live in El Ingenio (near the lines) and began to fight to preserve them.
Today this site is one of the most visited in the world; for 2018 approximately 182,000 visitors flew over the lines; definitely one of the main tourist places in Peru. That is why a call is made to the authorities and cultural and tourist organizations to contribute to the conservation of the place.
The Importance of Maria Reiche for Peru 🇵🇪
Their work and dedication has left a legacy in Peruvians, so much so that in order to pay homage to the Scientist who dedicated almost all her life to the Nazca Lines, they have named many places, parks, schools and museums after her. In Nazca the tribute was emotional due to the symbolism it has; The Aerodrome from where the Flights to the Nazca Lines take off has been named: Maria Reiche Airport.
Enjoy the Nazca Lines Tour! If you want to make the Reservation to Fly Over the Nazca Lines or obtain more information you can write to us directly on WhatsApp.